
During the nineties, Foltène Laboratories began another research study aimed at identifying a new active principle of vegetal origin in alternative to Tricosaccaride®. In 2001 the new active ingredient called Tricalgoxyl® is patented. Tricalgoxyl® is a mixture of polysaccharides extracted from different types of brown algae (Fucus Vesiculosus and Ascophyllum Nodosum) grown and collected offshore the Isle of Ouessant (Bretagne - France) classified a UNESCO Natural Reserve.

The extraction and purification process adopted to obtain the active substance from these algae is done following very strict local environmental regulations in force, that assure extremely high levels of activity and tolerability to Tricalgoxyl®. Thanks to its particular characteristics, Tricalgoxyl® is today the active ingredient of the Foltène®PHARMA’s Special for women product line.

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